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Thomas|TSR's Guestbook

TyffanyRottenNov 22, 2006

Great hair dos! \:cool\:

pommesOct 23, 2006


Soetnoz_Sep 9, 2006

hejsan:\:\) tack för det fina håret\;\)

QuengelJun 25, 2006

I can't login to the tsr forums, with that I can't read a private message! 'Cause there is no place (space) to log in! When I click to the pm icon, I just get this here: "You need to log in, use the login fields at the top of the page. The administrator may have required you to register before you can view this page" What is pretty, but how should I log in anywhere, when there is no pace to log in, as it sooner always was???? Hope you will fix it soon! Thank you in advance Sorry to post it here! But so far I got no help, I posted this already also in the news, in the guestbook of Steve B. and to the Online Feedback! Hope, you can help me! Greetings, Quengel

oldmember_engelekaFeb 17, 2006

Dear Thomas: I was hoping you could clear a situation up for me. I recently visited a site called www.simsbeauty and was shocked to discover that the lady who owns the site has been stealing designs. She also goes by the name 'Milla M' and has actually used some of your work illegally. Can you please tell me what you think. You can email me at Many Thanks \:D

GrizzeldaFeb 2, 2006

Thomas, are you planning on doing more collaborations with the members of the Poser community? I have fallen in love with the Platinum Lovely and just can't get out of using it for all of my evening gown model shoots!\:D

Sarah29Nov 13, 2005

I love your Lovely hairdos...I really wish I had a paid subscription I would download them in a heartbeat...See you around the community! Sarah Norway NY, USA

francienNov 7, 2005

\:rah\: Yes I really love the hair..great and thank you !

francienNov 7, 2005

\:rah\: Yes I really love the hair..great and thank you !

SnazzyBeanOct 25, 2005

Hi Thomas, Great hair for Sims 2! Can you submit that model with the Sixties hair as a downloaded Sim? She's pretty. The site looks great; I'll keep you bookmarked. SnazzyBean

Dark DelightOct 21, 2005

Ville bara säga att ditt 'Lovely'hår ser helt fantastiskt ut och jag hoppas verkligen att du gör mer i framtiden!

oldmember_xxdopeprincessxxOct 20, 2005

your cute \:P

oldmember_xxdopeprincessxxOct 20, 2005

Can you teach me how to make objects and skins? lol

oldmember_xxdopeprincessxxOct 20, 2005

your cute \:P

MooncheeseSep 5, 2005

Hello Mr Bonham, Mr Isacsson and Mr Burström, sirs, your majestys, (lol, \:D) i was wondering if you could please help me and a site a work on, creating and running, it is and we are fairly new, i know you most probably get 1000's of messages asking for help, and i know its not fair if you do something for one but not another, but we really need a bit of help! You see Me and linda (mooncheese and keltronix) have been working so hard on it, but most of our efforts are at a loss, as not many people know about us. \:\( i have managed to get us a deal on snootysims as a featured fansite, and that has done us great, but our time there is sadly running out with only a few more days of featured-ness left. i Fear that once our time there is over we will be forgotten (you may or may not know that feeling lol, seeing as you own such an uber cool site!) I know you will most probably say no to my message, or maybe not even read it (like most others lol) but if there is anything you could do for us, what so ever? i would be so grateful, i dont know how i would repay you? Perhaps i could work day and night till im really old, just creating things for this place \:D (ooh, and train some monkeys...teach them the art of skinning....oooh, muhaha. erm yes.) But seriously, as a loyal member \:P (well, i am, i recomend you to everyone, and i allways subscribe cause i love it here) if there was anything in the world you could do to help us out, i dont know...erm an announcement in the forum or message on the main page...even a tiny link in the bottom corner of the page where only the mice go, anything i would be so grateful. i just want this site to work! Pleeease, anything. \:D I would do anything (sorry if i sound far to beggy-like) Thanks for reading this! \:D take care Eagerly awaiting your reply, Ben p.s, i was serious about the monkeys, and i would name them all steve, per and thomas! \:D and id call one evil kitten too cause shes cool! \:D

ChIkA_LaTiNaDec 15, 2004


oldmember_Sweetp76Oct 11, 2004

Haloj. Kikade runt lite och hittade dig =) Du verkar vara en erfaren "Resourceare" och jag undrar över en grej: Hur lång tid tar det att få en kreation godkänd och publicerad här på Sims Resources? Har väntat i över en vecka på att få några tomter/hus publiserade. Varför tar det sån tid? Tacksam för svar. Lilla oerfarna jag =)

Per|TSROct 8, 2003

Nice new design - well done! ;-)

MyysanJul 14, 2003

Hej Thomas. Jag undrar om du skulle kunna hjälpa mig med en sak? Jag skulle vilja ha dom här tolvstegs trapporna till superstrar spegelvända... men jag kan ingenting om att göra möbler osv. Men du kanske kan ta hjälp av någon? Tack på för hand, Peppe från östergötland.

red1060Mar 10, 2003

w00t! Hey you!!!! Welcome to the world of object making! Site looks great! Keep up the fantastic work. See you in Chat, Red \:\)

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